Monday, September 16, 2013

August 6, 2013 Tuesday 12:15 pm

We are down at the pond. Willem has been working on the shoveling and I have been doing the raking. We have moved everything out of the tipi so we could add some soil in there. It seems to be clay which gets slippery when it's wet. We have all of this pit run gravel that we can use instead, so we are doing just that.


We can still put that piece of Albany cloth on top of it so we don't get sand on our feet, but this is going to do just fine!


I put all the chairs outside around the porch swing so it is a nice little gathering place circle. I have been playing my violin a bit, filming a bit and now journaling a bit, too.


Willem swam, but it was too cold for me today. I'll have to put on my wetsuit I guess. It'll warm up later this afternoon, I suspect, at least if the sun comes out. The clouds have come over now, so the sun will have to wait.


I would like to find my pottery glaze ingredients. They are all together in a box, but I'm not sure just where they are at the moment. I think I asked Abe to bring them inside, but I don't know if that happened or not.


Maryjane is on her way here. She's probably got errands to do before she can leave home, so she probably won't be here till this evening. We'll stay here anyway.


Willem did up all the receipts to send in for our insurance to pay for. I hope it all worked out well. I am ready for a chunk of money to pay off what I've given to Abe so he could have this wonderful summer in SF. Thousands of dollars to do this! Geepers! It sure has put us into a lean situation.


It's looking like it might rain in a little while. I should probably do some more on the tipi floor so we can put some of this stuff back inside.

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