Monday, September 16, 2013

August 10, 2013, Saturday

I set my iPod alarm for 4:45am. I got right up and woke up Maryjane so she could leave on time to get the car back to the rental place.


I stayed up for awhile, doing videos uploading and answering wonderful video comments. Around 7am I went back to bed. I needed the sleep I guess cos I snuggled up with Willem to warm up and didn't wake up till 10;30! Now that is very late for me! I love getting up early and experiencing the sunrise and the mist floting over the pond. It's so relaxing and wonderful.


I put the bucket of broken glass in the car and the garbage in the woodshed, then headed of to the


Idump. I had a good time there, finding a mosquito catcher. I've got to look it up online and see what it is missing so I can get it working. These are very expensive machines.


I went over to Mera to the market. That was nice. I enjoyed sitting at the table visiting with Sandy and wynn. Suelynn had brought a scarf for me in exchange for the one that she has of mine, the beige one that is two sewn togetether to be a poncho of sorts.


I paid my 2013 membership, $30, and bought a schoolhouse mug for $10 as the price has dropped. I am so glad to have the mug. I do love Mera! I went inside and visited with Lise and Florence. They are selling their woven cloths and rugs inside. So pretty. I think I will try doing a summer and winter pattern. Lise wrote a pattern that is just lovely. I like it so much! Perhaps she will tell me the tieup and the threading. I wouldn't blame her if she couldn't believe she didn't ask permission from everyone before using theirsdoesn't, though.


Wille came over to the market just s I was about to go home and get my gourd basket to show Ankaret. We traded some of the soap inside for cheesecake and brownies from Sally. She's going to send them home with her family who are up from Atwood to visit.


Someone was packing up the lanterns in the shed to take over to Rosie for a party she is having tonight. I couldn't believe she didn't ask permission before using them. Mine with the green candle wax in it from her last borrowing. Maryjane helped me to fix that, though. I've got to let go of this.


I went back to the dump and found a few books and two teapots for my pergola. The back half of it doesn't have any teapots.


Willem helped me dig holes for posts along the edge of the driveway at the edge of the flowers. He started oving wood into the woodshed, so I carried on planting posts on my own. I made the hole digger narrower so it wouldn't make such huge holes. I'll have to take the hammock in front of the sunroom off the posts and make smaller posts for it. I'll put short teacup posts into those spots instead.


We went to the pond for a swim. I re-wove the seat of the porch swing from the dump. It is so much better now. Now we can sit on it nicely.


Meanwhile Willem pulled out weeds, grass, Joe pye and thistles from the Ostrich fern patch beside the parking spot.


We went for a swim. It was a very good swim. I swam laps on my side. We came back up and I heated up the leftovers from Maryjane's visit. We ate in the kitchen as I was cold.


I did some work on my laptop. Willem read Harry Potter and played Shostakovich prelude and fugue #9. It's very pretty!


We went to bed about 10:30. It had been a long and busy day.


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