Monday, September 16, 2013

August 18. 4:25 pm

My laptop is going to die.



Ash meadow lane

I think I'd like to lie down with a paper and pen, a notebook and pen and just write. I love to write in a journal. We're staying at Maryjane and Michael's. We went to church with them this morning. I like their little branch. It's a nice group of people.


I liked the lessons and the talks.


My laptop is about to die, but if I had an extension cord I could use it from this hammock longer. It's a lovely hot dy today. It's a nice spot out here with chairs and a table and the two hammocks. They have really been using it since I put the hammocks up here. I'm so glad! It's in ash trees that could be dying, judging by the amount of dead brnhes on the tree at the moment. The ash borer is getting them.


When my laptop dies I'm going to go get my iPod and lie here reading the scriptures with it. I haven't been stuying them much at home. I' glad we study the at church. I have to vaccuu out my cd player in the car so I can play Preach my Gospel again. It's such a great book. I wonder if there is an app for it.. That would be good to have if there is.


There is nothing like bbeing outside in the shade on a warm day. In the sun on a cooler day is good, but today it's 29C, I think. I'm glad we're here.


Mjs friend is over for a few minutes. I'm a bit worried about these straps holding me up properly in the hammock. I'm very aware of the huge aount of weight ive been carrying around with me everywhere.

Putting 70lbs in a bad and then removing two cups of it whenever I lose a pound would be a great idea.


I did some yoga yesterday. It felt good to stretch. I'm trying to do the knee thigh stretch. I never knew that my hip joints awere so low on my hips. I always measured my hips at the largest part of my hips, so to find the joint is at thebottom of the hips is kinda strange. Where the dent is in your skin. So strange.


So the joints are pretty seized up. I'm trying to loosen the up so I can sit crosslegged on the floor.


Bucket list goal is to make a grass basket with the African women in a village on the ground. I 'll have to be able to sit on the ground to do that!


I'd like to bring my violin out here and play in the woods. It's kind of an oasis of trees in the fields.


The meadowhawks are the dragonflies that are flying around now.


I guess I'll go plug my laptop in inside and bring out the violin and the iPod and make a video.


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