Saturday, October 12, 2013

Sept 27, 2013 Temple drive

Wllem is driving today as we go to the temple. I decided that he sleeps so late anyway, it's no use to make sure he doesn't drink coke. I've spent my morning very well today. I got up and made a video. I had a hard time sleeping after 5this morning, but made myself stay in bed and go back to sleep. The problem comes when I start thinking about my kids. That probably keeps many parents awake at night.


I packed my good saas shoes into my temple bag, picked out a change of clothes and posted a video. Wilem had packed a lot of his stuff last night.


He's driving today so I have craocheted myself another little iPod bag as the other one seems to be oming apart.


I played the violin for over an hou. I phoned my mom, Now I'm going to try to catch up on my journaling. I see that for many days I didn't journal. That's no good! I'm glad the tweets post on here, though as that Is now where I can begin and fill in the blanks from there.


It's been so nie this week, temperatre wise! I have really enjoyed spending time at the pnod working on the boardwalk and relaxing in the sunny tipi by the aders wehre I have been cutting out the bent alders so we can walk through there esily.

I didn't want to drive today because I've had enogh of driving for awhile.


Wednesday: We stopped in at Dottie's. She'd paitned an amazing cow on a piece of cardboard. I was very impressed with how well it had turned out! Outside the sound of the brook in the backyard and the river across the road were other worldly! Just lovely!


Thursday: Mary and I went for a nice walkup towards the brook. We photoed all the wooley bear caterpillars. Their brown was extensive, which means a mild winter! They were walking north which meant that the weather wasn't going to be getting really cold anytimes soon. Good. I love global warming!

A friend came over to get peaches to make them into preserves. We went to Wassaic, then back to his house beside dottie's where I sat on the back porch and rocheted a bag for ary's iPod out of yarn she'd gotten in Estonia

Friday: Mary and I went for a walk along the river. We walked wy too far and had a hard time walking all the way back. A class of teens doing cross couirntry ran by us. Then they ran back. We drove along and handed out water bottles to them al. It was a really good feeling giving ou water bottles to them all. I filmed it but it wasn't filming, as the kids were so glad to have he water. In Canada the kids would have all had water bottles before they left the school, their teacher would have made sure of it, as would their parents!

We went fishing off the bridge for carp. We were just walking across the bridge, but when I pointed out the three carp to mary, she went back to her car and got the fishing pole out! She had all sorts of lures and other odds and ends she'd need for fishing. But the fish would have been to big to pull up onto the bridge if we'd have caught him. I don't't go much for catch and release. Seems like a waste of time and not such a nice thing to do to the fish either!

Saturday to Debrah's farm and visited with Sally.

Sunday I went to church in Goshen. There were peaches on the tee in the chapel yard. Unbelievable! We stood by the raging brook, nnear the Appalachian trail near mary's house and filmed the water. Sounds of nature, I called it. Mary showed me some pictures of us when we were young with mom. Amazing photos!

Monday I drove home from Connecticut. I photoed my grandfaterhes practice in millerton, drove through Ghent, then went to Albany and visited with Nicole during her unch hour. I drove home. Willem had made a passive solar dehydrator. I made a sign for it for him. He was sp pleased with it.

Tuesday we went to Ottawa to Willem's eye appt and to see three of the kids

Wed. I drove to town to see about boardwalk fabric and to take a photo of Alida.

Thurs: I drove to Mera, to the dump and then to the chapel.



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